Rotahomes, RACWS in Fiji, Full Report

   Published: Monday, 8 September 2014

In May 2014 Tony Eddowes, Tony Lagozzino, Mal and Val Hansen went on a RAWCS project to FIJI.

In our meeting on 8th September the team gave their official report back to the club.

Koroi-pita Village near Lautoka and is the brainchild of Peter Drysdale, a member of the Rotary Club of Lautoka.  At the age of three, Peter, born in Echuca Victoria, moved to Fiji where he was educated.  He attended university in Scotland and graduated with a degree in Forestry.  With his English wife he returned to work for Fiji Forestry, clearing large areas of land for forest planting.  This meant removing very poor squatters from their makeshift homes.  Peter felt a great sympathy for them and initiated the Koroi-pita village.  

Tony chose this RAWCS project for our club because women were allowed, but unfortunately Stephanie Martin had an accident and was unable to go and experience her first trip abroad. He thanked his team for their willingness and cohesion and particularly Val Hansen who documented the trip.

Val wrote the following for publication in our Annual Report

Campbelltown's RACWS project to FiJi in May 2014 Part 1

Campbelltown's RACWS project to FiJi in May 2014 Part 2

Here is a poem Val wrote about the trip.

Tony Eddowes phoned and asked Mal to go to Fiji
It was work with Rotary
I uttered –me too
To go without me will not do!
Arrangements made and plans set
Even a Tee Shirt we did get
Our first day to the village we went
The whole day there we spent
We learnt the village is for those in need
Definitely not for any with greed!

227 houses have been built, all with a yellow door
Stage 3 will add another 60 houses more
The Village has many rules to live by
Residents know to follow these – they must not deny
No dogs, bark or roam the street
As a dog they are not to keep
Every child to school must go
Neighbours are not allowed to strike a blow
The village is to be violence free
And gardens are for growing food for the family.

Every house is built to the same plan
The entire village designed by one man.

They are built to withstand a hurricane strong
These residents know they are safe and here belong
They are all very needy and don’t much money get
So the rent is only $1 Fijian daily, no debt
Indians, Fijians and Islanders manage to live in harmony.
Striving together for a life with much quality.
We also learnt there is more to just the village that we can see
916 rotahomes have been built in the country
These too are for those that have nothing
A roof over their head a real blessing
I spoke to a teenager and her mum
Trying to see what could be done
That they were troubled was plain
To be of some help was my aim,
They gave me the warmest hug as I departed
And said that the troubles in their heart had also departed.
I painted green sticks and many a bright yellow window and door.
Each Day waiting for paint there was even more!
I enjoyed my stay in Fiji there is no doubt.